
About Us

Ingredient Exchange has been at the forefront of the food ingredient trading industry for three decades.

We are able to serve sellers by turning unwanted ingredients into cash, and serve the buyer by getting them the best deals possible on quality dairy products or other ingredients that they are already using.

Since our founding, our mission has been, first, to minimize food waste by keeping off-spec and surplus ingredients out of landfills, and second, to help our clients recover as much value as possible from their surplus inventory. We have built upon that mission with our dedicated dairy team, and our relationships with top dairy suppliers. Our team is driven by our commitment to communication, quality, and a passion for our customers.

Our Core Values

Founded with a vision to address the unique challenges of dealing with off-specification or surplus ingredients, we have grown into a trusted partner for businesses across the globe.

Being Humble

We approach our market with humility. This means that we are focused on your agenda and know that we cannot be everything to every client. We do not carry a big “S” on our chest, but by delivering on our promises we are proud of the relationships we have developed.


Integrity to us is not a platitude. It means to only conduct transactions where it makes economic sense and is in the best interest of all parties. This means doing the right thing even if it means losing the deal! No exceptions! Food Safety and our reputation are too important to compromise.

Being Resourceful

Walls and roadblocks are obstacles for the weak. Our persistence, can-do attitude and creativity allow us to make deals where others cannot.

Our Core Values

Founded with a vision to address the unique challenges of dealing with off-specification or surplus ingredients, we have grown into a trusted partner for businesses across the globe.

Can-Do Attitude

Approach your customer and coworkers with positivity and work to find solutions to their problems. Failure, saying “No,” is not an option.


Be creative in finding ways to add value to the organization. Failing often and quickly is expected! We will fail more often than succeed but it is our unique thinking that will provide value both to our customers and to each other.

Continuous Improvement

Nothing gives us a better competitive advantage than our people! Team members seek out knowledge to develop their skills and to deliver value.


We are more effective when we collaborate with others in regards to our customers and co-workers’ needs and interests. This means freely sharing information and suggestions on how to achieve a positive outcome, not only for yourself, but for your coworkers and the company.


We will only survive and thrive if we consistently do what’s right. We will only conduct business where it makes economic sense and is in the best interest of all parties. It means doing the right thing even if it means losing a deal. Food Safety and our reputation are too important to compromise. People do business with people they trust.

Market Focus

Our expansive network allows us to handle substantial order volumes, ensuring that we meet our clients’ needs both efficiently and reliably. Our commitment to flexibility and scalability means we can adapt to the unique requirements of any client, delivering high-quality ingredients promptly and consistently to support their operations and growth.

Our Promise

We promise to make it easy to do business by handling all details from origin to destination, remaining fully compliant with your requirements and all regulations. We ensure there are no surprises and put everything in writing for your peace of mind. Our goal is to make it easy for you to do business! 

Chris Heupel

A Letter From The President

Most companies in the food industry will have to deal with off-specification or unneeded food ingredients. Regardless of how this happens, selling them can be painful. Each ingredient has a different set circumstances that make it difficult to find a matching buyer: location, quantity, age, remaining shelf life, manufacturer… It takes a lot of time and effort to find buyers. Lean on the Ingredient Exchange team to shoulder this burden for you, so you focus on growing your business. We have been successfully helping our vendors do this for 25 years.

Our purpose is to keep food ingredients out of the landfill and help you recover as much money as possible. But we know it’s not just about the environment or money. Having a partner that you can trust is important. Your concerns are our concerns. Ingredient Exchange promises to represent your product truthfully and we will put anything that is important to you in writing, giving you peace of mind when doing business with us.

Our vision, is to be the first company that you think of when you have a food ingredient that you can no longer use. Give us the burden of selling your off-specification and unneeded food ingredients!

Chris Heupel