How to Prevent Bird Shortages at Your Poultry Processing Plant
Poultry processing plants in the U.S. seem to be in a pretty good spot: broiler prices are currently strong, thanks to lower feed prices and healthy demand. All a plant needs are enough birds to process. Which is where getting in with local farmers, and encouraging a little entrepreneurial spirit, comes in. It’s tough to […]
Why Meat Alternative Brands Need New, Less Beefy Names
In a short time, the meat alternative market has gone from a couple of novelty startups to multiple, well-funded companies with products in major stores. However, these meat alternative brands use animal-protein names to market their products. And that doesn’t sit well with the meat industry. As the popularity of alternative protein products increases, and […]
What Makes Finding Plastic Packaging Alternatives So Difficult?
When it comes to plastic packaging alternatives, U.S. food manufacturers and retailers are in a tough spot: it’s hard to find packaging that outperforms plastic ‘clamshell’ containers and molded food trays. But as world awareness increases about bulging landfills and oceans swelling with plastic, the need for food container alternatives may go from “wouldn’t it […]
Truck Driver Shortage Forcing Shippers and Carriers to Play Nice
The U.S. truck driver shortage got worse recently, as long-anticipated electronic logging device (ELD) mandates rolled out. The fallout now includes higher shipping costs due to limited rig availability. That’s leaving shippers in a tight spot — needing to move more freight with fewer transportation options. Consequently, truckers are in a position to pick and […]
EU Cheese Naming Rights Can’t Frighten US Cheese Makers Away
Due to EU cheese naming rights, if American cheese makers want to sell their European-sounding cheeses (like Feta and Parmesan) overseas, their products will need to sound, well, more American. That’s because the EU’s ongoing push to regulate cheese names in the international market is forcing U.S. Cheese exporters to drop Old World names for […]
3 Awesome Technologies That Will Change the Food Supply Chain (in a Good Way)
Our extensive food supply chain stretches around the globe, making it tricky to regulate and monitor food products. But technology continues to evolve to help the food industry keep supply chains transparent and food products safe. Here are 3 innovative technologies that have the potential to change the food industry for the better. Food supply […]
How Research is Changing How We Treat Industrial Food Waste
Manufacturers often have food waste they’d like to offload. That might include off-spec or expired ingredients. And as municipalities tighten dumping laws, companies are looking for alternative outlets for their problem ingredients. And that’s where scientific research comes in. Some progress has been made in converting food materials into new products, including into bioplastics and […]
Food Shipments Stuck in Latest ELD Mandate Storm
Electronic logging device (ELD) mandates and FMSCA regulations have the food industry in a storm. That includes increased freight costs (in the 60% range) and major truck shortages. The problem is, unlike durable goods, many food items don’t do well waiting around to be shipped. As with any industry disruption, though, there’s turmoil before things […]
Important Food Industry Trends to Watch in 2018
When it comes to planning for a productive and profitable year, food industry trends can help shape decisions for doing things better.That includes looking at consumer preferences, food tech innovations and food safety management. Here are some important developments that will influence food manufacturing in 2018. Loving Millennials’ food habits We hear a lot about […]
Blockchain Will Change How the Food Industry Communicates
Blockchain, the technology more at home in Silicon Valley, is finding its way into the food industry. And with food giants like Walmart piloting the technology, it may become an industry norm. In fact, it has the potential to change how the food industry communicates–at many levels. What is blockchain anyway? Blockchain can be tricky […]
Why NAFTA Talks Have the Food Industry on Alert
As tense NAFTA talks continue, the food industry is keeping a close eye on the outcomes. After all, U.S. agricultural exports are up… According to USDA’s forecast, farm exports will surge to $139.8 billion for FY 2017 — the third highest on record. Additionally, the agricultural trade surplus is up 42% from FY 2016. These […]
Artificial Intelligence in Food Manufacturing: It’s Just Smarter
Artificial intelligence is changing food manufacturing. After all, we’re in the fourth industrial revolution. And for food manufacturers, that means a smarter way to produce food. A bright food future for artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is already weaving its way into food-related sectors. For example, AI self-driving trucks are taking to the road. This […]